Rabu, 20 Februari 2013


rasanya tuh bahagia banget ketika novel yang jadi project mu bisa jadi, walau molor 3 bulan ahahahaha at least aku seneng banget. Aku bangga bisa bikin 75 halaman pertamaku, lewat-lewat masa halaman 67 itu susahnya minta ampun, perlu mental, tekanan berat kalau terhenti disitu, tapi itu adalah sesi terberat kamu menentukan akhirnya. kira-kira ada ga ya penerbit yang mau ngambil novel pertamaku ini. so thanks for my beloved Jesus Christ,
my lovely family, Widi Yuliwati, Priskila Prima Hevina, Damai Emanuel 
my beloved friend Anita Sintya Damaryanti
my beloved classmates Febria Eka Radianingrum, Esmid Muhamad Rasyid Ridho
my inspiration Lesan Hestu Wibowo, Lingga A.W , Indah Dwi Permata A, Mahendra Bayu W, Jonathan Wibisono M, all of my friends, a part that i can not change .

untuk yang membuat ku bahagia saat ini adalah hasil ku ini, mau nanti gimana, ini adalah awal dari semua cerpenku, bahasa yang aku pake emang beda banget sama "Tangan Kecil Sukma" aku cuma mau realistis, dan ngangkat realita dan fiksi, semua perasaanku pada orang yang dulunya aku cinta. besok aku ada project baru lagi, temanya Atlit ahahahaha
over all i love you all, love you so much, you are my really part of my life

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

on my mind =D

Well, aku hanya tidak tahu bagaimana cara nya agar ada pria yang bisa suka padaku. I dont have any “talent” to get them, to date with them, i dont have charming to make them fall in love with me. Anyway im still single now, and i always. Why only me who still alone. Maybe im not as cute as they expected. Deeply in my heart i feel pain, im jealous. I want boyfriend who love me and i love him. I just imagine my future. Someone who quite all, kind, rich, handsome, respect and loveable. LOL
Recenlty, i to busy to think about who will be my love. Nowadays my serious problem is about the university which i want to enroll. Then i still confuse to think about the majority. Argh thats too disturb me. I cant handle it. Well yesterday i was on the bed, then i share about my problem, share for share with whom? Okay im praying at that night and i cried.
So, if i can enroll the english literacthure , it will be one step closer to study aboard! But i prefer make a novel thats my dream.  Okay today is full of bored. Because of taxi i cant watch the lampion show, a lot of light, everywhere, looks beautiful, yellow flash which covered by ball, wraped by colorful paper.
Am i loser ?
If i have a chance, i will get it, i will prove that i can be a taugh girl. Anyway i think twice to tove someone, because i remember one memory that i can call “unforgetable” moment, love moment especially. Yap ! i sat down here, and enjoy a cone if ice cream. I just remember when i tried to chassed someone. LOL i wanna laugh! Ahahhahaha. All of all i still single and i enjoy it so much. Recently , my feeling is too sharp when i hear about litheracture =,=
Well, let me think something in my head.  Well i just think about history, a story a novel story and history will be influence this project ! wkaowkao =D hope SANTA CLAUS will be finish this year, my target is 150 pages , oh damn ! but i have a lot idea in my mind arrrrawwwk =D by the way i am at SAS radio, and saw the handsome just like my dream Zian ulalala, you know Junot =D glasses boy and looks so cute , damn =D