Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

serius aku pengen chef arnold jadi pacarkuu {}

serius aku pengen banget chef arnold jadi pacarkuuuu.... kasian banget deh gue yang jelek dan cuman bisa masak masakan rumahan yang jatuh cinta sama artis eh celebrity chef yang cuman bisa liat lewat tivi hahahaha. ya gitu deh, someday aku harus bisa jadi cewek sukses biar bisa dapet suami yang prestise hahahaha, kebanyakan ketawa nih udah gila mungkin. seandainya aja nih gue orang kaya hah itu namanya nentang kodrat. gue harus bisa jadi cewek sukses biar dilirik cowok prestis wkwkwkw. kalo dalam khayalan gue, chef arnold itu jadi sahabat gue yang kece abis, hiks deh kenal aja engga hahahaha terus jadi pacar hahaha hust ngimpi gan ! ga papa lah namanya jga ngimpi kan? garagara itu aku jadi ada ide buat bikin novel baru nih tentang chef gitu tapi cari nara sumber susah, di sukoharjo yang small town ini kayaknya mustahil ketemu chef yang profesional, miris man !

ngomong-ngomong soal novel, novel yang digadang-gadang selesai kemarin juni eh ga selesai juga, ga mood setelah dulu gue ditolak gagasmedia hehehe, tapi engga juga sih, mungkin gue nya aja yang terlalu males hehehe. entah gue ga tau tentang masa depan gue yang masih bruwet blur ga keliatan, iya sih gue masuk UNY tapi jujur aku ngarep banget keterima di UGM sastra inggris biar nanti gue bisa ikut pertukaran pelajar ato kerja di kedutaan besar RI, pengen stay di luar negeri, ato minimal berkunjung deh kesana. kalo jad guru  kan stuck aja di situ kegiatanya itu-itu aja, yaah tapi kalo itu jalannya aku ikhlas kok, kan Tuhan Yesus rencananya selalu yang terbaik untukku hehehe. berharap dan berdoa biar aku bisa diterima di UGM {}
huwaaa pipinya tak cium boleh ga ya ? boleh aja kok, tapi dalam mimpi wkwkwkwk

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

im just beaituful im

pengen curhat aja, beberapa hari ini berkhayal terus punya cowok sekeren chef arnold ! oh damn i cant lost my eyes to him di tv doank sih hahahahaha, gini nih seandainya aja gue kenal dia, then temenan terus yaaaa begitulah, tapi sayang banget gue anak ingusan yang tingga di kota kecil dan notabene bakal jadi GURU SLB doank, cita cita gue keluar  dan hidup di luar negeri gagal total entah kenapa aku ga tau lagi deh, ga berharap masuk UGM banget" ntar kalo kepedean dikira sombong, huft.
walo pun gue jelek pengennya sih gue punya pacar pilot , chef , masinis  dan please jangan atlit !!! hiks men novel belom kelar, dan tumpukan tekanan datang lagi bagai duit di tengah jalan hahahaha. oh damn satu satunya jalan bahagia tuh pas menjelang tidur, bisa bayangin imajinasi tentang chef arnold jadi suami gue hahahahahahahahahahahahaha udah gila kalik yaa, saking berharap banget punya pacar , huweeeeee pengen punya pacar tapi nasib orang jelek ya beginilah, tapi gue punya teori nih
Tuhan menciptakan wanita menjadi 2 bagian, yang pertama adalah wanita yang terlahir cantik, wanita yang terlahir sexy dan atau keduanya. jika aku dan kamu tidak terlahir menjadi salah satunya berubahlah untuk menjadi salah satunya, kalau aku tidak bisa menjadi wanita cantik, im just beautiful im believe that! bilang pas ngaca kalo elo itu cwek cantik, sekalipun itu susah, jadilah wanita sexy, ga perlu top less , or down less just body shape, your eyes, and your hair , let them work to make you looks sexy! bt the most important be your self aja hehehehehe jelek ga  papa yang penting sexy sih kalo gue hahahaha.

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

cheers and vacation

hey how are you? its the real holiday for me, since i success to enroll my fave university, yesterday i and my family ~ big family have a trip, we were on vacation yey ! to celebrate my success , im so happy for this, my mom too, but im not sure with my sister, because she want me to enroll UGM hahaha, i dont know ,the announcement is will be out 31 june, still far from now, huft, i dont know what should i do, because actually i love and i want to enroll ugm english literature but i already in UNY in extraordinary education hahaha, 
yap yap so i think , if Jesus want be to be teacher ( to make my mom and my grand mother happy) i would be fail to enroll UGM, but if i succeed be accepted in UGM, i must leave UNY because i always love english so much. although my grammar so so bad LOL hahaha, i always dream to live in san francisco or in miami florida do i can wear bikini every day hahahaha
by the way about my vacation, it was really really fun, i want to play flying fox but the locket was closed ! damn! we spend the holiday in ndayu park SRAGEN, it was so hot there, i wear sun glasses just like big boss hahaha. it was my day !!! i love it so much, i paint my nail ~ orange nail ~ because its holiday ! hot and summer although indonesia didnt have summer season hahaha. i feel free~ im happy really happy YEAAAAHHHHHHHHH thanks my Jesus who give me chance to be teacher , thanks my father in heaven, my lovely mom , my sister who always support me when i was in down situation, and my little brother who always cheer me up when i bored, i missed annoying you when you serious with your game hahahaha. i know Jesus provide your future very well, just wait and stay close with HIM

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

saya MABA

saya maba = mahasiswa baru sekarang di UNY di fakultas pendidikan jurusan pendidikan luar biasa, makasih Tuhan Yesus maksih ibu makasih mbak vina makasih dik dame dan temen-temen aku sayang kalian


have you ever heard love and caffeine ? i make an new word, i combine love and caffeine become loveine . i love coffee so much, when i drink it, i drink it smoothly not get a rush, i enjoy when i smell the smoke on the cup when the coffee is hot.
oke bisa dibilang saya sangat suka minum kopi, lebih tepatnya kopi warung dan kopi instan ato kopi yang beli sekalian bungkusnya. bukan kopi macam beli di kafe yang sumpah mahal banget kalee, sekali beli aja bisa buat nonton ke bioskop, sebagai pecinta kopi yang kere, saya sudah mencintai dan mengkonsumsi kopi sejak saya masuk SD sampe sekarang ! yeaah hidup kopi, secara enak banget kale. hobby banget minum kopi gitu, tapi suatu ketika karna saya didiagnosa keturunan asma, so it means that drink coffee is haram ! kalo asma minum kopi itu juga bisa bikin osteoporosis oh noooo jadi selama beberapa waktu saya ga minum kopi, dan ngefek, kadang ga ada yang bikin seneng gitu deh namanya juga coffee freak ya? lama-lama sebel juga kan ga bisa minum kopi yaaa dilanggar aja, toh selama ga se freak dulu ga papa, sekarang sih paling sehari sekali kalo lagi freak, kalo engga ya seminggu 2 3 4 kali hahahahaha yah namanya orang krismon, cari kopi enak ya tinggal ngapalin merek bungkusnya, bukan itu kopi arabica atoo robusta ato campurannya ato ngopi di caffe mana ato di tempat-tempat yang katanya kopinya enak, secara kan namanya orang krismon, ngopi aja dirumah sambil ngetik wuih MAT banget deh.

secara umum tiap daerah di indonesia pasti ada kopi ciri khasnya, ya kopi aceh ya kopi semarang ato yang lebih anak muda latte ato capucino ato ice blend gitu juga ada di pelosok indonesia raya, kopi bisa merangkul semua kalangan masyarakat, tua muda cewek cowok om om tante pakdhe budhe siapapun berhak minum kopi, anak-anak juga boleh, toh itu kan hak asasi manusia. dosa namanya kalo ngehalang-halangi anak biar suka sama kopi, yang bilang kopi ga enak ya udah jangan pengaruhi orang-orang sekitar. orang kaya orang miskin juga sama-sama suka kopi, kopi yang mahal dan yang murah juga ada, kenapa suka kopi harus repot, warung kopi kan banyak, ga usah sok kaya , kalo emang orang biasa ya ngopi yang wajar-wajar aja ahahahaha

yang paling aku suka pas minum kopi itu pas masih panas banget ato pas udah dingin ngin ngin. kalo pas panas aromanya bisa di cium hmmmmm masuk ke hidung rasanya menggoda banget deh, pas di seruput dikiiiit aja udah bikin muut berasa enaaak banget. kalo udah dingin itu jug asik, kan udah ngendap ampasnya hahaha
yang paling enak itu kalo pas minumnya, awalnya pahit tapi terus di sruput habis itu pas ke lidah ummm so addict deh, pas udah ditelen, manisnya baru keluar wuihh campur sama pahitnya yang khas, hemmm efek nya g ah9ilang semata-mata pas kopi habis, kalo udah agak lama gitu aroma kopi masih ada, rasanya awweeeeet banget dimulut , itu tuh yang bikin kopi jadi primadona buat saya ! loveine !

saya suka kopi apa aja, kopi hitam ato yang pake krimer ato yang moka gitu pokoknya kopiiii ! so saya pecinta kopi yang bahkan belom pernah ngopi di coffee bean ato di starbucks ato di hard rock yang terlalu bule buat saya, ato caffee yang menyediakan harga kopi yang fantastis tapi rasanya ya cuma kopi , rasa kopi kan cuma satu universal tergantung kita menikmatinya kayak gimana ?

Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

past its so live there

hey i was in my grandparent house, in little village, i was here because my grandparents hold some event we call it arisan (like a lotre) when i sit alone in kitchen i saw plate ! special plate, i thought that its a unique plate. its plastic plate, the type is so so ancient, just like a flower and there were flower and the leaves painting on it, rose. The color is white when it was new in the past, and nowadays the color has changed ! it becomes white yellowish or brownies yeah something like that LOL. anyway i just think that this village was "LIVE" when in the past. i believe that, because i saw everything so ancient here, glasses that so so past with painting on it, small type and there are a lot here ! the rooms and the yard. all of these are the fact that my grandparent house were so crowded when in the past, when they have 4 children here, my mom and her 3 siblings. my mom told me about her childhood, and it was sound so fun when it was 1970 . nowadays the situation are poles apart , here so silent, quite and "different" ummm . just when chrismast and ester this house will be crowd again. 

i always love the past, i love when i was children too because i have an amazing childhood. i love every moment in the past, the culture,the building art, the people, moreover there were have no gadget, but there are some feeling that we missed in nowadays

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

do you believe that ?

hey hello guys, i wanna share my day my dream my life. have you ever heard about "dream" ? or idea ? or everything about your future ? i believe everyone everybody has it ! yayayaya include me ! i have a big dream i have a big idea ti make my life better than today.  even i love my day everyday but i found a lot of sucks in my day, which always messed my day. do you have brother or sister ? sometimes they are so so nice treat you but they often disturb and annoyed your mood.
okey one day i watching television there a cooking show "master chef" yes ! i love it in this new season here i can watch my fave chef all round the world chef Arnold Poernomo LOL LOL LOL by the way i love him so much, now you must know that i always imagine about him, do everything with him, having conservation, and keep my dreaming about him, he's so cool ! oh nooooooo, i let my imagination to grow everyday, sometimes its fun and embarrassing, i keep it just by my self, one day when i and my family watching together the master chef, i said that i love him, and i said what ever i have imagine about him !! hahaha and guess what they respond on ? they call me crazy, they shout at me that im a dreamin' girl that never wake up and realize ! they hurt my heart even they were my family, my mom my sister and my brother. in that time i know and realize what i had done, im a really really big dreamer, when i try to realize its hard. even though i was just a big dreamer i love to do that ! i love make a lot of fantasy about something that i love ! in past when i love actor Reza Rahadian i always make imagination with him, and now i love a chef, chef arnold ! i know i never ever ever be his friend or be his girlfriend but i just one of his fans, a lot of his fans  and i just a one of them. sometimes i dream i would have friends from every profecy but i realize that u just an ordinary girl who lived in little village , if you can find in google maps its just a little place, slum areas in this country in indonesia.
hey although its just a dream and i got a lot of critics and comen but i have learn, i got a lesson from this
"Keep your dreaming on and make it happen" yeaaaaah !!! hahahaha LOL ! buts thats true because i be a realistic girl who want to make my dream comes true, i wanna be a doctor but i cant because i didnt study on it hahaha im stpid girl who hate math and chemistry hahaha, but but i love writing what is on my mind, so i decided to be author since i know i love litheracthure hahahaha, thats why i write my novel, but until now there no publisher who interest in, i will try and try again until i make it happen ! make a book a novel, now send my novel and short story in some publisher, and i keep waiting on it ! i wanna be a writer! and live in another country, where ever it! i love san francisco i love miami l love sidney hahaha -----> sidney = chef arnold stay , yeah really i want to leave my country !!!! hula hula hula ! i dont care! i would make it happen and be a success girl
okey actually i dream if i have a boyfriend and he is a pilot hahahaha i can fly every where, he can bring me everywhere ! if i be a success girl and success women i would meet and make a lot of friends all round the world with a lot of profecy so that i can make a love relationship ,(or i can meet chef arnold although he already has a wife in the future but at least i can introduce my self that in one day i ever be his big fans of him) hahaha do you believe that ?
chef Arnold so sexy wear that uniform hahaha i think that he always sexy what ever he wears on lol
and this is me ----> handsome and beast girl=dreamer who want to be a success girl ahahaha, i hope you who read my blog and visit my blog would be my friends, thank you for visiting thats mean you all heard my heart , terimakasih